Chinmaya Mission Houston - Announcements for December 17, 2023
Please scroll towards the end to see details of the Bala Vihar and Adult Satsanga timings and details.
Bala Vihar and Adult Satsanga Closings
There will be no Bala Vihar classes and adult satsanga during the winter break on Dec. 24th & Dec. 31st. We will re-open on Jan.7th 2024.
Photo link for Kumbhabhisekam
We are happy to share the pictures taken at the Sri Saumyakasi Sivalaya Kumbhabhisekam.
This link will be available for two weeks only.
Bala Vihar & Adult Satsangas
Satsanga Timings:
8:35 AM – 10:15 AM Satsanga I for adults & Bala Vihar grades Pre-KG to 12
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Language classes, Bhajana & Orchestra, Slokathon, and Adult Chanting
11:20 AM – 1:00 PM Satsanga II for adults & Bala Vihar grades Pre-KG to 10
Please give yourself enough time to park and be seated in Smrti Hall/ Sarasvati Nilayam by 8:35 AM (1st Session attendees) and by 11:20 AM (2nd Session attendees).