Chinmaya Mission Houston - Announcements for October 13, 2024
Bala Vihar & Adult Satsanga Sun. Oct 13, 2024
Satsanga timings:
8:35 AM – 10:15 AM Satsanga I for adults & Bala Vihar grades Pre-KG to 12
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Language classes, Bhajana/Orchestra/Slokathon and Adult Chanting
11:20 AM – 1:00 PM Satsanga II for adults & Bala Vihar grades Pre-KG to 10
Annual Dipavali Puja & Gurudaksina Sun. Nov. 03, 2024
You and your families are warmly invited to join the entire CMH family for our joyous and auspicious Dipavali Puja on November 3. This sacred ceremony will include Ganesa Puja, Sri Laksmi Puja, and Sri Visnusahasranama Puja, concluding with the offering of Gurudaksina.
Puja will be performed in only one session starting at 9:30 AM. We look forward to celebrating together!
Please click here for details.
Dipavali Food Drive by CMH Student Council Oct 20 & Oct. 27
CMH Student Council has organized a Dipavali Food Drive for the Houston Food Bank.
High school volunteers will be accepting food items in between the sessions from 10:20 AM to 11:20 AM on Sundays, October 20th and October 27th.
The following are the most needed items:
Granola Bars
Canned Soup – preferably pull top
Canned beans
Canned fruits
Canned vegetables
Dry pasta
Dry beans
Peanut butter
* Non-perishable items only*
Links to Photographs for Recent CMH Events
Bala Vihar Opening Day 2024 and Ganesh Chaturthi
These links will only be available this week.
CORD USA Winter Visit Applications now Open for Students
We’re excited to announce that applications for CORD USA Winter Service Visits 2024 are now open for students!
To ensure the best experience for everyone involved, please take note of the following important information:
CORD Deuladiha, India
December 23, 2024 (Monday) to January 4, 2025 (Saturday)
Registration Fee:
– $250 non-refundable fee per person for application registration
– $1250 after the application is accepted.
Current 10th, 11th & 12th Graders
Details of the visit:
Full Program Commitment: Chaperones and students must commit to being present for the entire duration of the program. It is not possible to attend only a part of the service visit.
Individual Applications: Each student is required to fill out their own application independently. Applications will be disqualified if submitted by a parent or guardian.
Visa and OCI Requirements: To participate in these Service Visits, you must meet the visa requirements by the regulations of the Government of India or possess an OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) card.
Accurate Contact Information: Please ensure that you type all email addresses accurately during the application process. We cannot be held responsible for any typos in your application.
Self-Reliance During the Program: Students will be spending two weeks in rural India, away from their families. We require them to be self-reliant and use their own email and cell phones for preparatory meetings and communication.
Email Acknowledgment: Once your application is submitted, you will receive an email acknowledgment. Further information and updates will be communicated via email. Please remember to check your spam folder as well.
Recommendation Letter: As a chaperone, we require a recommendation from your Chinmaya Mission Center coordinator. As a student participant, we require a recommendation letter from your current Bala Vihar teacher. An email will be automatically sent to her/him once you apply.
Payment and Visit Details: Detailed payment and visit information can be found in the FAQ document. It is essential to download, read, and accept the terms and conditions before applying. Applications are evaluated by a National team and their decisions are final.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to receiving your applications and sharing this meaningful service experience with you!
Apply here –